Best Basic Health Tips

Cook most of your meals. One of the most impactful things you can do for your health is cook your meals yourself. You can control the ingredients and even if you are cooking a more indulgent meal, it is likely that it will contain less sugar, salt, fat, and calories than a similar meal at a restaurant. 

Shop the perimeter of the grocery store and read labels. When you are buying packaged food, please read the labels. Be on the lookout for added sugar in products where it isn’t necessary (nut butters, tomato sauce, etc), added oils, and overly long and complicated ingredient lists. In general when shopping, try to mostly shop from the perimeter of the grocery store where the fruits & vegetables, proteins, and less processed foods are located. 

Have healthy snacks on hand. Snacking can often derail even the healthiest eater so ensure that you have some go-to healthy and filling snacks on hand for when that craving hits. Some of my favorite snacks include an apple & almond butter, hummus & vegetables, hard boiled eggs, avocado with cucumber, and a green juice with some nuts. 

Find a workout you enjoy and schedule it in. Exercise has a multitude of health benefits and is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. The key to having a consistent workout routine is finding something you enjoy. So ignore the trends, try a few different workouts and find one that you like. And then schedule it into your calendar at least 3 times a week to make it a priority. 

Keep in mind that processed food is not meant to be eaten in moderation. Ultra processed food is scientifically engineered to be addictive and eaten in large quantities. It is okay to buy the occasional processed treat but know that you are not meant to just eat a handful of chips or one cookie. It can be easier to just keep it out of the house. 

Don’t forget about beverages. Beverages are generally an under examined aspect of our health. Drinking enough water is a key to feeling good, flavored beverages often contain a lot of excess sugar and calories, and of course, alcohol can wreak havoc on even the healthiest of diets. Take a look at what you are drinking and how it impacts your health. 

Health is more than just what you eat. Your health encompasses much more than just the food you put in your mouth. Stress, sleep, career, relationships, spirituality, and community all have a large impact on your health. When examining your overall health, take a look at all aspects of your life.

Don’t overcomplicate things. We love to make things more complicated than they need to be. Instead of getting bogged down about what diet is the absolute best or which supplements to take or what workout will produce the best results, focus on the fundamentals first - eat your vegetables & fruits, get some exercise, and prioritize sleep. 

Poor sleep is going to make everything a lot more difficult. Sleep is a cornerstone of good health and when you are tired, it is going to make eating healthy and exercising that much more difficult. Prioritizing sleep and ensuring you are well rested will go a long way towards helping with the rest of your health goals. 

What you do most of the time matters. What you do for one day or one weekend or even one month is not what matters, it is what you do consistently over time. It is essential to find a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain and be consistent with over a long period of time. 

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