Back to School Habits for Adults

Are you a fan of the changing seasons? As much as I am sad to say goodbye to summer, I have always loved the start of the fall. I know for many people, myself included, September is a more natural time to make goals and recommit to healthy habits than January first.

As a self-proclaimed lover of school, I will always associate this time of year with going back to school. And while I may not be going to Staples and buying my special pens and notebooks anymore, there are still a few things I like to borrow from my student days to help me finish the year strong. 

Incorporate Breaks. Whether it was recess, gym class, or just walking across campus from one class to another, there were usually built in breaks during a typical school day. Now we usually work for (at least) eight hours straight, often not even leaving our desks for lunch. Try to incorporate some breaks or movement into your day, even if it is just walking around the block. It helps to clear your mind and allows you to sneak in some movement.

Create Your Best Schedule. This has been something that has made a big difference for me, especially working for myself. In school, you usually had classes spread throughout the day, with maybe some extracurriculars or events in the evening, and it was on you to get your work done whenever you could. I have started to think about my work more like this, which is the best kind of schedule for me. Maybe this will also work for you, or maybe you prefer to have long stretches of time dedicated to work and then leave it once you sign off for the day. Try to create your best schedule that allows you to operate at your best. 

Deadlines. They say that deadlines spur action and I have definitely found that to be true. School was full of deadlines, and consequences for not meeting those deadlines. I borrowed this tactic from school and started imposing deadlines on myself and have found a huge difference in how much I get done. If you are struggling to finish a project, try giving yourself a hard deadline and maybe it will spur action for you too. 

Learn About Things That Interest You. One of the things I miss most about being a student is taking a wide variety of classes and learning about different topics. Even though I studied business, I loved to take a history class or psychology class or anything else that caught my eye. But I have found some ways to fulfill that intellectual curiosity even though I'm no longer in school. Whether it is reading an interesting book, attending a talk, or even taking an online class, keep finding ways to learn about the things that interest you, whether it relates to career or not. 

Find The Right Work Environment. I generally do not work well alone in my quiet apartment. Similarly, I always disliked working in the library when I was a student. I much preferred the background noise and action of an atrium or quad. Now I try to work from coffee shops or hotel lobbies. Maybe you are the opposite and you need the quiet of a library or your own office. Figure out what your best work environment is and try to go there anytime you need to accomplish something. 

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