Are You Stressed?
We are all familiar with stress and while some stress is inevitable (and can even be beneficial), being consistently stressed can have a negative effect on your physical, emotional, and mental health.
This has been a topic that has been coming up a lot lately and it can actually be a little difficult to recognize when you are stressed. We are able to adapt to what we are experiencing, and most of us are so used to experiencing stress that we don’t even notice that we are stressed until we reach a breaking point.
It is important to address stress before it becomes a major issue and to have some go to stress relievers in your toolbox. It may feel like you don’t have time or energy to add anything else, but it doesn’t have to take a long time and can have an outsized benefit. Unchecked, long-term stress can lead to a number of health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, anxiety, and depression. As they say, if you do not make time for you wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.
Below are some subtle and short term signs that you are stressed, and some quick and easy things you can do in order to address it and relieve your stress. Just as different things stress out different people, everyone experiences stress in a slightly different way and will resonate with different ways to deal with it.
Some signs that you may be stressed:
Digestive issues
Trouble sleeping
Lack of energy
Frequent colds & infections
Clenched jaw
Muscle tension & pain
Lack of focus
Being pessimistic
Some easy ways to relieve stress:
Go for a walk
Get some sun
Close your eyes
Breathe intentionally
Listen to music
Read a book
Get some physical activity
Take a bath
Go into nature
Watch something funny
Practice your favorite hobby
Spend time with friends & family
Spend some quiet, alone time
Some common things that will not help your stress:
Drinking alcohol
Eating poorly
Just powering through
Not making time for sleep