When You Lose Your Sparkle

Have you ever found yourself in a rut? 

It is hard to define, but we all know it when we are in one. I think of it as losing a little of your usual sparkle. 

To be honest, I was in one earlier this month. The weather was awful, I was sick, and as anyone who interacted with me during that time can attest, I was quite grumpy (sorry about that!)

Yours might look a little different, but generally it involves a lack of excitement, a lot of complaining, and an overall feeling of being stuck in an endless loop.  

So what do you do when you find yourself in one and how can you get out of it? Below are some of my top ways to break out of a rut and get back to feeling like yourself. 

Get back to basics - Focus on those habits that you know make you feel good and set you up for success. Exercise, clean your house, meditate, eat well. Once you have the basics down, it is much easier to add in the excitement on top.  

Movement - I cannot emphasize enough how impactful moving your body can be. Ruts are generally accompanied by a feeling of being stuck and moving your body can help to release that. It doesn’t have to be an actual workout - throw on some music and dance around your house or go take a walk, anything that gets you moving and will release that stagnant energy. 

Sit with it - A lot of these suggestions are about doing something, but sometimes you need to just get quiet and sit with what is. Turn off Netflix, put your phone away, and for a few minutes, close your eyes and breathe deeply. What is coming up for you? It can be very helpful to journal during this time and notice if there are any patterns or if there is something your rut is trying to tell you. 

Do something new - The best way to get over everything feeling the same is to do something new and different. Something as simple as changing up your routine can go a long way towards breaking you out of your rut. Try a new restaurant, learn a new skill, sign up for a different workout class, or even take a different route.

Go outside - Nature really is the best medicine. Being outside in nature elicits a sense of awe and being a part of something bigger than ourselves. It can help you stop ruminating, feel more grateful, and leave you in a more positive mood. 

Give yourself something to look forward to - Personally, my ruts have a tendency to occur when I don’t have any exciting travel on my calendar. Try to schedule something that you are really excited about, whether it is taking a trip, attending an event, or going out to a new bar with a new group of friends. It will give you something to look forward to and break up the monotony. 

Embrace the everyday - While a rut won’t last forever and the above tips will help you get out of one, it can sometimes take a little while for things to shift. Embracing the everyday can help to alleviate the feelings of sameness. Make your favorite meal on a random Wednesday, blast music on your commute while singing along, or wear your most fun outfits. Working with the mundane can help move you towards a positive mindset during this period, especially when you are unable to change your external circumstances.


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